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Mon-Sat 9:00AM - 7:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!
Media Details
  • Auditorium 1

    166 seating capacity
      166 seating capacity. Advertisements will be shown Friday to Thursday

    There are two types
      There are two types of Ads in cinema slide ads and video ads. In slide ads, the slide is played on screen with or without audio score in background. And in Video ads is done with help of video. Both the ads can be played either before the movie begins, during the interval or both.

    Rate per Screen / Per W
      Rate per Screen / Per Week

    Minimum Size
    10 Sec Slots

  • Auditorium 2

    293 seating capacity
      293 seating capacity. Advertisements will be shown Friday to Thursday

    There are two types
      There are two types of Ads in cinema slide ads and video ads. In slide ads, the slide is played on screen with or without audio score in background. And in Video ads is done with help of video. Both the ads can be played either before the movie begins, during the interval or both.

    Rate per Screen / Per W
      Rate per Screen / Per Week

    Minimum Size
    10 Sec Slots

  • Auditorium 3

    168 seating capacity
      168 seating capacity. Advertisements will be shown Friday to Thursday

    There are two types
      There are two types of Ads in cinema slide ads and video ads. In slide ads, the slide is played on screen with or without audio score in background. And in Video ads is done with help of video. Both the ads can be played either before the movie begins, during the interval or both.

    Rate per Screen / Per W
      Rate per Screen / Per Week

    Minimum Size
    10 Sec Slots

  • Auditorium 4

    160 seating capacity
      160 seating capacity. Advertisements will be shown Friday to Thursday

    There are two types
      There are two types of Ads in cinema slide ads and video ads. In slide ads, the slide is played on screen with or without audio score in background. And in Video ads is done with help of video. Both the ads can be played either before the movie begins, during the interval or both.

    Rate per Screen / Per W
      Rate per Screen / Per Week

    Minimum Size
    10 Sec Slots

Media Reach
  • Projection Format

    Projection Format


Cinepolis Cinemas Advertising In Vijayawada Crown Mall Cinema Advertising

Cinepolis Cinema Vijayawada advertising provides a 360-degree marketing environment that is uncluttered and finds the consumer in a relaxed and receptive frame of mind, perfect for getting your message across. Cinepolis facilitates the audience with different viewing experiences like 4DX, IMAX, big screens, and clear visuals. The audience prioritizes the best viewing screens when opting for watching movies and thus, Brand Reach will increase at a very high rate. Advertising at Cinepolis helps your brand reach the mass at a time as it is one of the most preferred cinema houses.

Cinema Advertising Cinepolis Cinemas Advertising In Vijayawada Crown Mall

Cinepolis Cinemas in Vijayawada uses unconventional advertising methods to stand out among the thousands of advertisements that people are exposed to daily. Traditional mediums of advertising such as television, print, and radio are being replaced by new and unorthodox marketing methods. Cinepolis Cinemas marketing strategies rely on creating striking advertising experiences that capture interest through creativity and unpredictability. They achieve this goal by placing ads in unusual places or displaying them in unusual ways, hoping to command the attention of unassuming viewers.
Cinepolis Cinemas ads are often considered more organic, authentic, and relevant, making them more appealing to consumers. They also tend to be targeted, speaking directly to specific demographics on their own territory, which is more cost-effective. Cinepolis Cinemas advertising in Vijayawada can deliver huge returns on investment.
However, Cinepolis Cinemas media is unpredictable, making it difficult to know if a campaign is working. It relies on methods that fall outside the traditional marketing practices, which can make it challenging to quantify and measure success or failure. Poorly executed campaigns can confuse consumers and create a negative image around a company.
Cinepolis Cinemas marketing in Vijayawada is flexible, uncertain, and subjective. It focuses on execution above planning and creates "buzz." It is cheaper and relies on free advertising as much as possible. Non-discriminatory, all-inclusive, and efficient, Cinepolis Cinemas marketing strategies stand out among traditional advertising methods.

Cinepolis Cinemas Advertising Low-Cost Option In Vijayawada Crown Mall

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